Mädchen and Wilbur
Mädchen was adopted by Roland in 2008 having been safed out of a rubbish bin in Greece and is since then the latest member of wtp international and besides Wilbur our second mascot.
She celebrated her acting debut in the current movie Illusion (2013), where she promenaded down with Wilbur on a red carpet.
mascot and logo
12.07.2000 – †30.10.2013
At the age of six weeks Wilbur the minipig was adopted by Mira Gittner in September 2000 and became the mascot of the wtp international filmproduction.
In Pentamagica she performed the big part of the power animal HILDESWIN at the side of Mira Gittner. After taking a break from acting several years Wilbur had a guest appareance in the movie Illusion (2013).
As company – logo Wilbur appears grunting at the beginning of each film of wtp international.
“One says time loses the pain and what stays is memory,
but since you are gone my heart is broken by memories.”
(by Wolfgang Edelmayer translated from German)