Dreams keep us alive and dreams devour us.
wtp international GmbH
filmproduction, sales and distribution, DVD-label
„The films of Roland Reber and his small committed team are discoveries of an independent cinema which is rare
in the international film community“ (Feuilleton, Süddeutsche Zeitung)
„wtp is sort of a Gallic village oft he unbending ones in the middle of the film industry empire.“ (Passauer Neue Presse)
„Films from wtp international are sensual and philosophical, abstract and precise, on the one hand fascinating,
on the other hand almost crackbrained.“ (filmstarts.de)
„wtp films with the collective dedication of its team have become an unmistakable trade mark.“(Blickpunkt:Film)
The wtp-kollektiv considers itself as a global forum for artists, innovative techniques and extraordinary ideas. In 2001, the independent film production company wtp international was formed from the film production team wtp and now unites film production, sales, distribution, label and, since 2022, the in-house wtp publishing house with a focus on multimedia books under one roof. In addition to feature film productions, which attract attention and awards at international film festivals worldwide and are running in cinemas, on DVD and on streaming platforms, the wtp-kollektiv is also active in the field of advertising and image films.
Understanding filmmaking as a creative adventure is a guiding principle of the wtp-kollektiv.
The projects are realized independently and without funding in order to preserve artistic freedom. This is possible thanks to the passionate commitment of all those involved: development, directing, image design, screenplay, editing, graphic realization of the content, press work and administration are not separate, but are shaped by the team. This broadly conceived task creates a total work of art to which everyone involved has a vital, direct relationship. This is an elementary component of the collaborative understanding of production.
This teamwork creates a collective that has been built up over the years and is constantly in a dynamic process. Artists join and leave for individual productions, while a few stay together and form the core of the wtp collective.
With the cult film 24/7 THE PASSION OF LIFE, which had its German premiere at the Hofer Filmtage 2005, wtp international GmbH finally ventured into the German and Austrian cinema market as a distributor in February 2006. The film was shown in German cinemas for a year, polarizing the press and audience, and the director and actors travelled across Germany and Austria for 60 discussions with the audience. 24/7 THE PASSION OF LIFE was broadcasted on ARTE in November 2011.
At the 56th Hof Film Festival 2022, the entire wtp-kollektiv accompanied a selection of six films created over two decades together with the recently deceased director and author Roland Reber in a HOMMAGE TO ROLAND REBER & COLLECTIVE, discussing them with the audience and thus building a bridge to the upcoming film projects.