10th september 2021
2019 oct
We are happy that our new film has been invited to the reknown International Hof Film Festival, Germany. It will celebrate its world premiere before having thearical release in Germany 23rd of january 2020
in preparation
feature, satire
state: script development, preparation and casting
shooting time: expected summer 2019
theatrical release: expected 2020
director: Roland Reber
script: Roland Reber, Mira Gittner, Antje Nikola Mönning
music: Antje Nikola Mönning
camera and editing: Mira Gittner
line producer: Marina Anna Eich
producers: Patricia Koch, Marina Anna Eich, Antje Nikola Mönning
production, sales & distribution: wtp international
“Don’t fear death, fear an unlived life.”
Finally you can purchase the score of ILLUSION / TASTE OF LIFE on CD (only with us) and online!
Since december 2018 the music composed by Antje Nikola Mönning (aka SCHWESTER ANTJE) has been released on different music platforms like iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Deezer, Napster, Google Play etc. Her first own album AUSGEZOGEN (UNDRESSED) has been released on the same time as the medial distribution of the music clip NUN RAP: NONNEN – RÄP – Musikclip.
More information on the CDs here.
Since 26th october 2018 TASTE OF LIFE (DER GESCHMACK VON LEBEN) has been released on DVD, Blu-ray and online stream.
‘Taste of Life’ will celebrate it’s official theatrical release starting in Munich at the Museum Lichtspiele on Wednesday, 21st of February 2018 at 8pm, in attendance of the director and the main cast.
Official theatrical release on 22nd of February 2018.
Cinema viewing times of 24/7 The Passion of Life.
In celebration of the international BDSM-day the cult movie “24/7 The Passion of Life” will be screened again on 24th july in the following German cinemas.
– München, Museum-Lichtspiele in attendance of the main actress
- Kaufering, Filmpalast
- Kiel, TraumKino
- Passau, Metropolis
- Nürnberg, Casablanca
- …a clever mix of everyday wisdom, media satire and erotic farce.” (Filmecho)
- „Taste of Life is a preaching and a calendar motto, a comedy sketch and a video clip, a musical and a sex film, and of course as well life coaching“ (Kino-zeit.de)
- “Really big cinema…. 4,5 of 5 stars.” (sneakfilm.de)
- „… due to various shrilly and absurde scenes the film is an enrichment for German cinema.“ (film-rezensionen.de)
- „Consequently subversive!“ (Filmdienst)
- „Cheeky, independent, wild mix.“ (Blickpunkt Film)
- „Worth seeing!“ (Münchner Merkur)
- „One of the most revealingly honest and light footed society potpourris of all times.“ (Deadline Magazin)
- „A libertarian pamphlet!“ (Brussels International Film Festival)
- “ The collage is a brazen plea not to bend by societies norms/influences.“ (TV Spielfilm)
october 2017
What great news: our new film, the erotic dramedy TASTE OF LIFE will celebrate its world premiere at the 51st Hof International Film Festival in October. Cheeky, lively and full of easiness the film gives a voyeuristic insight in very different life stories
5th september 2017
TASTE OF LIFE (erotic dramedy) a film by Roland Reber and Mira Gittner is wtp international’s newest film production. Filming has finished beginning of September with lots of enthusiasm and full of creativity and is currently in post production. More details to follow soon…
Cinema screenings of ’24/7 The Passion of Life”
In celebration of the international BDSM-day we can confirm that the movie ’24/7 the Passion of Life’ is being screened in the following german cinemas on the 24.07.2017:
KAUFERING: Filmpalast 20:00 (discusion with main actress)
KIEL: Traum-Kino
MÜNCHEN: Museum-Lichtspiele
NÜRNBERG: Casablanca
PASSAU: Metropolis
Cinema screenings of ’24/7 The Passion of Life”
In celebration of the 10th anniversary and the international BDSM-day we can confirm that the movie ’24/7 the Passion of Life’ is being screened in the following german cinemas on the 24.07.2016:
- Nürnberg, Casablanca in attendance with main actress Marina Anna Eich
- München, Museum-Lichtspiele
- Kiel, TraumKino
- Marburg, Filmkunsttheater
- Kaufering, Filmpalast
- Saarbrücken, Filmhaus
- Regensburg, Kinos im Andreasstadel
- Passau, Metropolis
- Mannheim, Cineplex
- Soest, Universum
- Krefeld, Event Kino Primus-Palast
- Suhl, Cineplex
Marina Anna Eich has been appointet a jury member at the 24.Internationales Film Festival Innsbruck, Austria (2nd – 7th june 2015).
Its emphases on diversity and on screening motion pictures from every corner of the world, has made IFFI to an unsurpassed movie exhibition venue in German-speaking Europe. Every year, the festival shows outstanding motion pictures from lesser-known or un-known worlds and presents its audience around 50 long- and short movies (feature film and documentaries) from Latin America, Africa, Central Asia and Eastern Europe. Today, the IFFI is, along with the Viennale, Diagionale and Crossing Europe, one of the most important film events in Austria and is the international film festival in the western part of Austria. This year’s retrospective is dedicated to serbian film director Goran Paskaljević.
www.iffi.atThe erotic-drama ILLUSION (directed by Roland Reber), a wtp international production, www.illusion-themovie.com
has been invited to be a part of the international program of the Innsbruck Film Festival.
August 2014
Marina Anna Eich has been appointed an international jurymember at the
33. FESTIVAL DE CINEMA DE TERROR DE MOLINS in Spain (4th – 9th nov 2014).
The international festival is one of the oldest in Spain and since 2014 a part of the „European Fantastic Film Festival Federation“.
ILLUSION, the new film of wtp international is available since 29th august 2014 on DVD and Blu-ray. In German with English subtitles.
Illusion is invited to the 19th. International Festival of New Film / 19th Split filmfestival, Croatia (13. – 20.9.2014). www.splitfilmfestival.hr
24/7 The Passion of life has been invited to the NYC Fetish Film Festival 2014. More at http://nycfetishfilmfestival.tumblr.com
The new movie by wtp international, the drama ‘ILLUSION’ is invited to the 47th International Hof Film Festival (22.-27.10.2013).
After „24/7 The Passion of Life“ (2005), „angels with dirty wings “(2009) and „The truth of lie“ (2011) this is the 4th film out of eight movies by Roland Reber to be presented by him and his crew in Hof.
World Premiere at Sitges Film Festival, Spain was a tremendous success: loads of people waiting to go into the cinema, sold out House, moved and fascinated audience, big compliment to everybody involved.

September 2013
ILLUSION, the new feature film by director Roland Reber www.illusion-themovie.com will be celebrating its world premiere at the SITGES International Film Festival, Spain in october 2013. To see more please go to www.sitgesfilmfestival.com . The theatrical release in Germany will be the 23rd of january 2014.
Again the cult movie 24/7 The Passion of Life will be screened in several German cinemas on 24th of july in celebration of the international BDSM-day
- BERLIN: Moviemento
- FRANKFURT: Orfeos Erben
- KAUFERING: Filmpalast
- KIEL: Traum-Kino
- MARBURG: Filmkunsttheater /Palette
- MÜNCHEN: Museum-Lichtspiele
- NÜRNBERG: Casablanca
- PASSAU: Metropolis (discussion with the film team)
- SPREMBERG: Spreekino
Marina Anna Eich has been appointed a international jury member at the Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival (BIFFF 2.- 13.4.2013 ).
THE TRUTH OF LIE has been invited to the 35th Cairo International Film Festival. It will be shown in the section “world cinema”.
THE TRUTH OF LIE celebrates its spain premiere at the 45th Festival Internacional de Cinema Fantastic de Catalunya, Sitges/ Spain.
Here the festival website.
On friday 18th of may 2011 there will be a TV report about wtp and their new film THE TRUTH OF LIE on the occasion of the Cannes Film Festival – KULTURZEIT on TV Channel 3SAT
“Favourites 2011”: The audience of spielfilm.de has voted Antje Nikola Mönning on third place as well as ANGELS WITH DIRTY WINGS on 10th place.
Here the link: „Leser-Lieblinge 2011“ of spielfilm.de.
THE TRUTH OF LIE will be presented at the 32nd Fantasporto Filmfestival 24.02.2012 – 03.03.2012 (Portugal) www.fantasporto.com as well as at the 10th PUNE International Film Festival 12.01. – 19.02.2012, India www.piffindia.com.
We are happy that our new film THE TRUTH OF LIE did celebrate its cinema premiere at the munich cinema MuseumLichtspiele as the recent years.
With a small party, new and well-known fans this was a great start for this years cinema tour.
THE TRUTH OF LIE (Psychothriller), the new movie of wtp, celebrates its German premiere at the 45th Hof International Film Festival 2011.
10th of november 2011, 23.50 o‘clock: the date to save! Roland Rebers 24/7 The Passion of Life (erotic-drama) will be broadcasted on french/German TV Channel ARTE.
The shooting for the new movie, the psychothriller THE TRUTH OF LIE has finised.
The new film of Roland Reber, the enfant terrible of German Cinema, is hard, merciless and true. As true as the lie allows it.
Multitalented Mira Gittner was again responsible for camera, lighting and editing
Music is composed by Wolfgang Edelmayer again.
The movie will have its theatrical release in april 2012.
Roland Reber was guest on the radio show „Eins zu Eins – der Talk“ (Bayern 1).
„Roland Reber, director and producer. He provokes scandals“ the presenter says.
With his recent film ANGELS WITH DIRTY WINGS – about three women, motorcycles and sexual morals, Roland Reber and his company wtp have made it onto the title page of BILD which described the film as „scandal film“….
Again the cult movie 24/7 The Passion of Life will be screened in several German cinemas on 24th of july in celebration of the international BDSM-day
- Berlin: Eiszeit-Kino, Berlin
- Kiel: Traum-Kino, Kiel
- Mannheim: Cineplex, Mannheim; in presence of the film team
- Marburg: Filmkunsttheater, Marburg
- München, Museum-Lichtspiele, München
- Nürnberg, Casablanca, Nürnberg
- Passau, Filmtheater Metropolis
- Saarbrücken: Filmhaus, Saarbrücken;
- Schwäbisch-Gmünd: Brazil-Kino, Schwäbisch Gmünd
Music of Wolfgang Edelmayer gets under one skin, adresses our soul and feelings and is an important part of wtp international films.
The spectacular „scandal-film“ (BILD), provocative and honest, holding a mirror up to everybody, is finally available on DVD since 24th september 2010.
October 2010
We are happy to announce that ‘angels with dirty wings’ was just selected for the 34th MOSTRA Sao Paulo International Film Festival in Brasil for the section International Perspectives. The festival takes place from the 22.10.2010 to 04.11.2010.
We are happy to announce that ‘angels with dirty wings’ was just selected for the 15th Ourense International Film Festival in Spain for the section ‘in the Allowable Limits’. The festival takes place from 01.10.2010 to 09.10.2010.
The cult movie 24/7 The Passion of Life will be screened in several German cinemas again on 24th of july in celebration of the international BDSM-day
- München, Museum-Lichtspiele
- Nürnberg, Casablanca, 23.15 und 23.7. in presence of the film team
- Berlin: Eiszeit-Kino
- Schwäbisch-Gmünd: Brazil-Kino
- Kiel: Traum-Kino
- Saarbrücken: Filmhaus
- Marburg: Filmkunsttheater
- Grimma: Central-Kino
- Traunstein: Casablanca
Und am 23.07. gibt es im Casablanca in Nürnberg ein Special der besonderen Art:
Um 20:30 Uhr findet das Screening von ’24/7 The Passion of Life’ in Anwesenheit des Regisseurs und der Hauptdarsteller statt.
Cinema freierfilm Aarau: On 17th august 2010 8pm ANGELS WITH DIRTY WINGS will be screened in presence of the director and main actresses.
More over the movie 24/7 The Passion of Life will be screened on 25th august 2010.
The new film by roland Reber, the enfant terrible of German cinema, ANGELS WITH DIRTY WINGS that could be seen in cinemas beginning of 2010, raised lots of discussions. On 25th june the munich cinema Museum-Lichtspiele will show a Roland Reber-Special. Three of his six films will be screened that day:
20:00 24/7 The Passion of Life (erotic-drama)…a provocative and poetic journey through the empire of sexuality which had its theatrical release in 2006.
22:35 THE ROOM (psycho-thriller,2000, six international awards)….a journey through the night of our fears…
22:55 ANGELS WITH DIRTY WINGS (erotic-drama)… for some people a scandal movie, for others the most exciting which German cinema currently offers.
06.03.2010 at 20:15 Uhr in Spiegel TV:
On saturday, 06.03.2010 at 20:15 VOX braodcasted in conjunction with Spiegel TV the programme „Skindeep and uninhibited – The history of nakedness“ about Antje Nikola Mönning and ‘angels with dirty wings’ among others.
Theatrical release of ANGELS WITH DIRTY WINGS with cinema tour of the team around Germany and Austria: Starting 4th of march 2010.
Available in German Penthouse from 11.03.2010:
Big several pages report about ANGELS WITH DIRTY WINGS including interviews and pictures.
ANGELS WITH DIRTY WINGS by Roland Reber and Mira Gittner celebrates its German Premiere at the 43rd HOF International Film Festival (27.10. bis 01.11.2009).
friday, 30.10.2009 at 00.15 Uhr im “Central” PREMIERE
saturday, 31.10.2009 at 00.30 Uhr im “Central”
sunday, 01.11.2009 at 19.30 Uhr im “Cinema”
A portrait of wtp international has been published in the recent trade magazine „VideoMarkt“:
„A label where clocks tick differently“; wtp international for sure is unusual.
entire article in German
The „International Film Festival of India“, which was held between the 23rd of november till 3rd of december 2009 in Goa was showing for its 40th anniversary a retrospective of the director and author Roland Reber:
The below movies of wtp international GmbH (director: Roland Reber) were shown and due to high demand “angels..” was screened even a third time.
- the room (Das Zimmer; psycho-thriller, 2001)
- Pentamagica (satiric comedy, 2003)
- The Dark Side of our inner Space (drama, 2003)
- 24/7 The Passion of Life (erotic-drama, 2005)
- My dream or loneliness never walks alone (Mein Traum oder Die Einsamkeit ist nie allein; dramedy, 2007)
- angel with dirty wings (Engel mit schmutzigen Flügeln, erotic-drama, 2009)
The International Film Festival of India is the most important international Festival of India with participants from over 50 countries, 200 celebrated films and 6000 delegates. And we are happy that it has been a huge success for Roland Reber and wtp.
To see more go to http://iffi.gov.in/
It will have its premiere at the competition section “Nuevas Visiones” at the 42. Sitges Festival international de Cinema de Catalunya, Spain beginning of october. (Sitges 02.10-12.10.2009 www.sitgesfilmfestival.com/eng). The german premiere will be at the 43. international Hofer Filmtage end of october, Germany.
Three women – no moral
„Morality is the excuse for those who don’t dare to live their truth.“
“angels with dirty wings” is a painful study about our time, a fugue about a generation that lends its feelings.
Michaela (Mira Gittner), Gabriela (Marina Anna Eich) and Lucy (Antje Nikola Mönning)
are angels of vice. On their motorbikes they ride through the countryside to live their lust.
They could see a lot, but only see themselves. They call themselves angels. But they are angels with dirty wings.
To be a full member of the angel’s exile paradise Lucy has to prove herself and meet challenges.
The new Film of Roland Reber and Mira Gittner is an anthem on immorality. A holy song of egoism and a painful study about our time and a generation who lends their feelings.
Only castrated angels need moral.
Like all other films produced by wtp international it was without any subsidy money but with the engagement of everybody involved.
Theatrical release: 04.03.2010
- 24/7 The Passion of Life was screened from its start on the 16.02.2006 for over a year in the cinemas and was shown in over 65 cinemas in Germany and Austria.
- 40,000 km cinematour and filmcrew (director and main actors) to be available for discussions with the audience.
- 15,000 visitors ad over 60 presse comments as well as several TV- and radio broadcasts are the statistics for the theatrical year 2006-2007!
In 2003 the first three features of director Roland Reber which he produced with wtp international have been shown at the Kolkata International Film Festival in a Roland Reber – section: